Sunday, March 29, 2009

Update on the 'stretchy stuff' and Summer with Stanley

Stanley is not here, he is (I hope) in the hold of a big tin bird ready for his trip to Dubai, for Connection Point 09.

But when I was getting his luggage ready earlier I found the wrapper from the stretchy fabric. Apparently although I am not sure you can read it in the picture, but this 'must have travel accessory' can be used for all these things and even as an emergency dog lead! according to one goggle search I tried. It is at this moment encasing Stanley to ensure he does not get wrinkled in transit (perhaps I should try that on me).

In his last post Stanley was thinking about his vacation time and I am pleased to announce it is sorted. After Collaborate Stanley is meeting up with the Norris Clan and spending a few days with Mickey, and then for a real treat is going diving in Iceland with Dan and Mogens. I am not sure I trust either of these two and I certainly don't trust Stanley, but all 3 know how handy I am with a steam roller if they mess up. We will then be reunited in Monteray and ODTUG.

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