lady: Please madam I need to talk to you about your hand luggage
debra: What is the problem?
lady: You have bomb making material in your bag
debra: No I don't
lady: Yes you dodebra: No I don't
lady, showing debra a card with a list of bomb making materials:
Yes you do and it is one of these
debra: I don't have any of these items
lady: Yes you do
debra No I don't
lady: According to the x-ray you have duct tape in your bag
debra: No I don't
lady: Yes you do
debra: No I don't
lady: Please open your bag
debra opens her bag and the lady picks up a large roll of something
lady Is this not duct tape?
debra (trying not to laugh)
No, this is not duct tape
lady: Yes it is
debra No it isn't
lady: Then what is it?
debra (loosing the battle)
It is stickers
lady: Stickers, what are stickers?
debra, gives the lady an 'I love Stanley' sticker from the roll, the lady is still not convinced
lady Are you sure this is not duct tape?
debra: Definitely
lady consulting her colleague
Does this look like duct tape to you?
man: I don't know, what is it?
debra: Stickers
lady What do you do with stickers?
debra: Stick them on things
At this point Debra's colleague Ronald has to walk away, he can't keep a straight face, Lady starts sticking stickers on the x-ray machine, her colleague, the wall, and after about 12 stickers
Are you sure this is not duct tape?
debra: Yes I am sure
lady: Who is Stanley?
debra, laughing and giving her a card
Stanley is the original ACE Director
Eventually she lets us go, and we walk off leaving two very confused people at security, and rather a lot of Stanley Stickers on display.
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