Monday, February 15, 2010

My week at Redwood.

I had a great week and as I said previously I was very excited about the Sun event although it was not what I expected, it was all about IT, can’t Oracle ever talk about something else?

Despite the promise of end to end sunshine being false, and yes it did rain, I was with friends. I came out a few times and had my photo taken with people. Debra has to learn that a small box of my business cards and the coveted I love Stanley stickers is not enough, she ran out and a lot of people were disappointed.

I made a lot of new friends and one Jean-Denis who leads the Siebel User Group in France became very special when he pointed out that I had been left on my own one day, and even considered bringing social services in. Dan Morgan was to blame, he had taken me off to met important people and then just left me on Debra’s chair, she was mortified.

I was a bit nervous of Dan introducing me to executives, if they don’t know who I am they may think my friends are mad but then it was suggested that perhaps we should turn it around and have an Oracle Executives' Gallery for those brave and lucky enough to have the opportunity. So added to my previous important photo shoots I have added a few more including the Laurel & Hardy of JDE. If you are an Oracle Executive reading this and you want to be part of it, let me know, either via my page on face book or via my agents.

One of my favourite outings was with all my new friends in the User Experience Labs and they confirmed it, there is no better experience than meeting I, Stanley, The Original ACE Director.

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