Monday, April 25, 2011

Some People Are Just Too Mad

People think that Dan, Mogens and certainly Debra are mad. People think that taking a 'red rag' around the world is a silly thing to do, but we know different. We know how important I am and what an honour it is to be with me.

So it is not uncommon for others to want to spend time with me, and some are a bit manic about it, but nothing like Daniel Strassberg from QUEST who I am sure suffers from ADHD. We had fun playing games in the QUEST area, obvioulsy I won them all.

Then we had some photo shots in the photo booth with many hats, and it was great Debra joined us.

Debrawas exhausted and so we both went for a massage, to relax. We thought everything was OK until Daniel appeared lying on the floor beneath Debra taking photos and adding disguises.

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