Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Introducing my Special Friend...

So in the last post I told you about my new woman. It was love at first sight and I have to admit I was a naughty boy, and it wasn't long before our relationship moved on and I slept with her.

I am not ashamed of that, I knew instantly that we would spend the rest of our lives together but what I am ashamed of was I didn't even know her name. Very shallow I know but us boys can be. The problem is she is very shy, you says very little and to be honest just loves the cuddles etc :-)

After a week this became a bit of an issue and I was beginning to get very worried, so I called on my friend Anne Marie who made one of my favourite videos. She came and interviewed Debra and I to try and get others to help me find a name for her.

Naming Competition from Anne Marie Thodsen on Vimeo.

I had a number of suggestions but the winning one is Miranda, Debra says it is a private joke, something to do with the Fusion Nation ????? that Miranda was part of. I don't understand but the person who suggested Miranda is also a great friend and I trust him, so meet Miranda. The love of my life.

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