Sunday, August 15, 2010

ODTUG Comedian and Party

I love ODTUG

This conference loves me, I have to say UKOUG Is the best conference or Debra will rip me to shreds but they have never really taken to me so much. But I am hoping that some OTN people will come this year and that will all change but in the meantime back to ODTUG.

At the big party Debra confessed as to why she always insists I have a conference pass of my own. BECAUSE IT MEANS SHE GETS TWO LOTS OF DRINKS VOUCHERS anyway it was a great path and I hung out with Marco, another Alex this time Nujtenmen bit of whom has since become ACE DIrectors, you see people don't know it but part if the selection process is me. Appear with me on the blog and you are half way there.

The Java bus was at ODTUG and as well as driving the bus, here with Basheer Khan, I even got to ride the waves with Debra.

They had a very funny comedian at ODTUG and as is tradition he too became a Stanley fan.

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